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151 6888 2846

热门关键词: 水晶折叠门 水晶卷帘门 抗风卷帘门




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来源:http://www.jnzxmy.com 日期:2020-09-18 发布人:
We have purchased fire-proof rolling shutter doors in Jinan market. When they are installed and used, they should comply with the following requirements:
1 除中庭外,当防火分隔部位的宽度不大于30m时,防火卷帘门的宽度不应大于10m;当防火分隔部位的宽度大于30m时,防火卷帘门的宽度不应大于该部位宽度的1/3.且不应大于20m。
1 except for the central court, when the width of the fire separation part is not more than 30 m, the width of the fire shutter door shall not be more than 10 m; when the width of the fire separation part is greater than 30 m, the width of the fire shutter door shall not be greater than 1 / 3 of the width of the part, and shall not be greater than 20 m.
2 防火卷帘门应具有火灾时靠自重自动关闭功能。
2. The fireproof rolling shutter door shall have the function of closing automatically by self weight in case of fire.
3 除《建筑设计防火规范》(GB50016-2014)另有规定外,防火卷帘门的耐火极限不应低于该规范对所设置部位墙体的耐火极限要求。

3 unless otherwise specified in code for fire protection design of buildings (GB 50016-2014), the fire resistance limit of fireproof rolling shutter door shall not be lower than the fire resistance limit of the wall set in the code.
当防火卷帘门的耐火极限符合现行标准《门和卷帘的耐火试验方法》GB/T 7633有关耐火完整性和耐火隔热性的判定条件时,可不设置自动喷水灭火系统保护。
When the fire resistance limit of fire rolling shutter door meets the judging conditions of fire integrity and fire insulation in the current national standard fire resistance test methods for doors and rolling shutters (GB / T 7633), automatic sprinkler system protection is not required.
当防火卷帘门的耐火极限仅符合现行标准《门和卷帘的耐火试验方法》GB/T 7633有关耐火完整性的判定条件肘,应设置自动喷水灭火系统保护。自动喷水灭火系统的设计应符合现行标准《自动喷水灭火系统设计规范》GB50084的规定,但火灾延续时间不应小于该防火卷帘门的耐火极限。
When the fire resistance limit of fire shutter door only conforms to the current national standard "fire resistance test methods for doors and rolling shutters" GB / T 7633, the judging conditions of fire integrity shall be set up, and automatic sprinkler system shall be set up for protection. The design of automatic sprinkler system should comply with the current national standard code for design of sprinkler systems (GB 50084), but the fire duration should not be less than the fire resistance limit of the fire shutter door.
Linkage control design of fire shutter door
Fire shutter door action procedures have two steps of descent and one step down.
(1) Two step descent: linkage control design of fire shutter door on evacuation passageway
l 联动控制方式,防火分区内任两只独立的感烟火灾探测器或任一只专门用于联动防火卷帘门的感烟火灾探测器的报警信号应联动控制防火卷帘门下降距楼板面1.8m处;
L linkage control mode: the alarm signal of any two independent smoke detectors or any smoke fire detector specially used for linkage fire shutter door in the fire compartment shall control the fire shutter door to drop to 1.8m away from the floor;
The alarm signal of any temperature detector specially used for linkage fire shutter door shall control the fire shutter door to descend to the floor;
No less than 2 temperature sensitive fire detectors specially used for linkage fire shutter door shall be set at any side of the rolling shutter 0.5m ~ 5m deep.
In manual control mode, the lifting of fire shutter door shall be controlled by manual control buttons set on both sides of fire shutter door.

(2) One step down: linkage control design of fire shutter door on non evacuation passageway
In the linkage control mode, the alarm signal of any two independent fire detectors in the fire compartment where the fire shutter door is located shall be used as the linkage trigger signal for the fall of the fire shutter door, and the fire shutter door shall be controlled to descend directly to the floor.
The fire shutter can be controlled manually by the fire shutter controller on both sides of the fire door, and the fire shutter can be controlled by manual fire shutter.

阅读/ Recommended reading

1.急停按钮1. Emergency stop button按下紧急停止按钮时,一对触点断开窗帘所需的机电设备,另一对触点进入PLC,断开PLC控制的机电设备的启动电路。When ...

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