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151 6888 2846

热门关键词: 水晶折叠门 水晶卷帘门 抗风卷帘门




电话:151 6888 2846




来源:http://www.jnzxmy.com 日期:2020-12-10 发布人:
Basically no equipment can be said to never be used bad, so we need to carry out daily maintenance and maintenance, for the daily use of rolling shutter door, to effectively extend the service life, we should be diligent in daily maintenance. Today for you to analyze in Jinan rolling shutter door maintenance problem, door switch too slow solution, hope to be able to help you.
1、 The reasons for the slow opening and closing speed of shutters are as follows:
(1) The speed adjustment of the controller is too slow.
(2) Abnormal voltage.
(3) The belt may be too loose.
(4) Friction between the stop wheel and the track.
(5) The movable door leaf may rub against the guide rail or fixed door leaf or floor.
2、 The installation of rolling shutter doors will encounter many problems in operation. Of course, attention should also be paid to the maintenance of rolling shutter doors in Jinan
(1) A typical failure of the central door lock is caused by the common ground wire between the power door maintenance and the central door lock and the electric antenna. Radios, elevator lights and other low-power appliances work when doors are opened and closed for maintenance. The result is that the ground points are not grounded, they are connected to each other.
(2) When disassembling the electric rolling shutter door for maintenance, it is necessary to pay attention to the correct installation position. All bolt connection holes are elliptical. There must be no interference before servicing and lifting the door.
(3) The size accuracy of electric rolling door will seriously affect the service life of elevator motor for rolling door maintenance. As the guide groove is installed on the electric rolling door, the elevator moves in the guide groove.
(4) The sealing and dustproof of electric rolling door is particularly important. The inner plate of electric rolling shutter door has a layer of plastic protective layer, which will lead to dust entering the electric door after damage. In serious cases, it will interfere with the maintenance movement of the electric rolling door.
The above content is Jinan rolling shutter door maintenance solutions, hope to help you. If you still want to know more about rolling shutter door, or need the place of rolling shutter door, please pay attention to our website consultation, we will serve you wholeheartedly.

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