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151 6888 2846

热门关键词: 水晶折叠门 水晶卷帘门 抗风卷帘门




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来源:http://www.jnzxmy.com 日期:2022-06-09 发布人:
Nowadays, it is very important to take fire prevention measures in various places. People's awareness of prevention is gradually enhanced, fire prevention equipment is emerging in endlessly, and the fire prevention performance is also different. As for the fire shutter door, let's have a look.
1. according to different fire resistance. According to different fire performance, the international standard (ISO) of fire shutter door is divided into three grades: A, B and C.
① A. fireproof rolling shutter door. Its fire-resistant high point is 1.5h, usually full steel plate door, and glass window can be added.
② Class B fireproof rolling shutter door. Its high fire resistance is 1.0h, and it is an all steel door. A small glass window can be opened on the door. The glass is laminated fireproof glass. The main purpose of class B fireproof rolling shutter door is to prevent the fire from spreading from the opening in case of fire. Both the wooden fire-proof rolling shutter door and the steel fire-proof rolling shutter door can meet the fire resistance conditions of class B fire-proof rolling shutter door.
③ Class C fireproof rolling shutter door. Its fire protection height is 0.5h. It is an all steel door. All materials can be made within the range of meeting the fire integrity standard.
Second, according to different materials. According to different materials, fire shutter doors are divided into wood fire shutter doors and steel fire shutter doors.
① Wooden fireproof rolling shutter door. The fire-resistant plywood is decorated with fire-resistant wood to meet the fire-resistant standard. Its fire protection function fully conforms to the fire protection standard and thermal insulation standard of the fireproof rolling shutter door.
② Steel fireproof rolling shutter door. That is, it is made of ordinary grade steel plate, and the door leaf interlayer is filled with perlite and other refractory materials, which are used for the maintenance of rolling shutter doors and meet the fire protection standard.
In addition, Jinan roller shutter door manufacturers believe that if they want to choose several roller shutter doors, they need to customize them from the roller shutter door manufacturers. Usually, these products need to be booked in advance. In this way, the size of the product is suitable for the use environment. The use place is to ensure the cleanness of the indoor environment and give play to the expected use value. Avoid small amounts of air.
The big difference between roller shutter products and fast roller shutter products lies in the choice of materials. They usually have several transparent windows and windows, which can also be used to confirm indoor and outdoor conditions. The main function is isolation. Especially in some industrial buildings, the speed is very fast, which can maintain the cleanliness of the indoor environment to a large extent and avoid the impact of freezing of the outdoor environment.
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