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151 6888 2846

热门关键词: 水晶折叠门 水晶卷帘门 抗风卷帘门




电话:151 6888 2846




来源:http://www.jnzxmy.com 日期:2023-03-23 发布人:
With the development of social economy, the application of rolling shutter doors in Jinan is becoming more and more widespread, especially in elevator halls that are open in various high-rise buildings, as well as some large areas of public buildings, production plants, large parking garages, and other spaces. It is not easy to take general fire prevention measures. At this time, the introduction of rolling shutter doors can solve this problem. However, in order to better ensure safety, it is necessary to pay attention to the following items when using roller shutter doors.
1、 Attention: Before use, check carefully to ensure that all aspects are correct
Before activating the roller shutter door, it is important to check whether there are foreign objects impeding the operation of the roller shutter before pressing the roller shutter up or down button. If you want to stop the roller shutter lifting halfway, press the stop button. Special attention should be paid to not placing any debris or objects impeding the upward and downward movement of the roller shutter door in the door opening at ordinary times.
2、 Note that it is not a special case, and the manual operation of the roller shutter should be closed
The function of the roller shutter door is powerful, but when using it, it is necessary to pay attention to not using a manual device when there is no power outage or when it is not necessary. When moving the roller shutter door up and down with a manual zipper, it should be stopped 50 mm from the electric up and down self stop position, otherwise it may damage the electric travel self stop position, causing serious consequences. It should also be noted that when not in use, the handle zipper and lower pull cord should be properly stowed in a place to prevent miscellaneous people from randomly manipulating.
3、 Pay attention to regularly checking the status of the roller shutter door
Note: To ensure that the roller shutter door can function in case of a fire, it should be regularly inspected to ensure that it is in good condition at any time. Generally, the regular inspection cycle is 3 months, and the motor gear and bearing should be lubricated within one year. It should be checked to see if the wear of the motor gear should be replaced. There is also a steel (inorganic soft curtain) roller shutter door that belongs to the short-term working system and should not be operated frequently, otherwise there is a risk of damage to the motor. At the same time, note that this equipment can only be used to isolate the flame in the event of a fire alarm, and should not be used as a daily anti-theft roller shutter door.
In addition, the operation process should be used and kept by a dedicated person, and the operator should have a certain degree of electrical and mechanical basic knowledge. There are also industry-leading roller shutter tracks that should be lubricated every six months, and all other components should be maintained in accordance with regulations to ensure their normal operation. For more information, please visit our website http://www.jnzxmy.com Consult!

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