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151 6888 2846

热门关键词: 水晶折叠门 水晶卷帘门 抗风卷帘门




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来源:http://www.jnzxmy.com 日期:2023-10-03 发布人:
The rolling shutter garage door not only has good protective performance, but also can meet different size requirements without occupying the internal space of the garage, saving space. It is not only suitable for household garages, but also suitable for some commercial storefronts, garages, hospitals, theaters and other public places.
Rolling shutter garage doors are generally not restricted, as they can be made to a height of 9-14 meters and a width of 4-12 meters; The size of the rolling shutter garage door is mainly determined by the overall height and width of the garage.
1. Generally, for small single garages (with a width of less than 3 meters and a height of less than 2.5 meters), the rolling shutter garage door model selected is either 55 or 77; 2. Because the size of Jinan electric roller shutter doors is mainly determined by the overall height and width of the garage, the roller shutter door selected for large double garages is a 7 model curtain.
1. Before installing the rolling shutter garage door, draw lines on the door frame opening that needs to be installed, determine the size, and then find relevant personnel to design a reasonable rolling shutter door; Jinan rolling shutter door
Note: The height inside the frame should be slightly higher than the height of the door leaf.
2. Firstly, remove the fixing plate at the bottom of the door frame, and then fix the door frame of the rolling shutter garage door. At this time, be sure to reserve grooves on the ground on both sides of the hole, and then fix the wooden wedge; 3. When installing the main door leaf of the rolling shutter garage door, make sure that the rolling shutter door and the wall are connected as a whole, and ensure good sealing. Then paint the wall and the seam between the rolling shutter door and the wall. After painting, ensure that the door seam is even and flat, so that you can easily and freely open the garage door.

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