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热门关键词: 水晶折叠门 水晶卷帘门 抗风卷帘门




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来源:http://www.jnzxmy.com 日期:2022-09-27 发布人:
Garage door is the main choice of new homeowners and family decorators. Due to various reasons, garage door is at the peak of popularity. What are the inspection and testing methods for garage door operation? Now let Jinan roller shutter door manufacturer answer for you.
If your garage door works well at this time, you can keep it in this state for a long time through simple inspection and maintenance procedures, and these skills can also repair the problems and faults just occurred in the garage door.
Check the rollers and rails on the garage door in Jinan: If you don't remember when to clean them, it is time to clean the lower rollers and rails with a brush, and lubricate the lower roller bracket and bearings. The bearings on the rollers will also wear out and replace any unstable rollers.
Fastener tightening: the guide roller track on the overhead garage door is assembled in sections, so all components should be intact, and the screws and bolts of the bracket should be tightened.
Check the wire rope and coil: the wire rope and coil of the garage door operated by rotation will be worn over time, and the worn wire rope and damaged coil need to be replaced.
Test the door balance: The garage door can move up and down with only a few pounds of pressure. If the torsion spring is worn and loses elasticity, the electric garage door opener may require additional force to lift the door. This will cause the garage door motor to wear quickly. It is recommended to replace the torsion spring as soon as possible.
Test the automatic rotation function of the motor: The garage door motor is designed to automatically reverse and lift the door when it encounters obstacles when it descends to the ground. If this function no longer works normally, the thick door will bring hidden danger, and the motor should be repaired or replaced.
As for the inspection and test methods of garage door operation, the above contents have been summarized in detail for you. I believe you will have new understanding and understanding after reading it. If you want to know more, you can pay more attention to our website http://www.jnzxmy.com 。

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