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151 6888 2846

热门关键词: 水晶折叠门 水晶卷帘门 抗风卷帘门




电话:151 6888 2846




来源:http://www.jnzxmy.com 日期:2020-08-04 发布人:
Jinan rolling shutter door is a multi joint moving door in series. The starting is driven by the motor group. The rolling shutter door is in a fixed slide way and rotates up and down with the rolling shaft above the door as the center. It is suitable for commercial facades, garages, shopping malls, hospitals, factories, mining enterprises and other public places or residences. Especially the door opening is large, which is inconvenient to install the ground door body, which plays a role of convenient and quick opening. Such as garage door, shopping mall fire shutter door, aircraft hangar door.
1、 检查现场应具备了安装的必要条件,如已经通电,洞口平整、规一。
1. The inspection site should have the necessary conditions for installation, such as electrified, the hole is flat and standard 
2、 复核西安电动卷帘门门洞尺寸应与工程备料单上的洞口尺寸、现场条件一致,如果原尺寸测量错误或现场条件勘测不准确,应及时向公司反应。
2. Recheck the door opening size of Xi'an electric rolling shutter door, which should be consistent with the hole size and site conditions in the project material preparation list. If the original size measurement is wrong or the site condition survey is not accurate, it should be reported to the company in time.
3、 检查随身携带的工具应能完成安装任务。
3. Check that the tools carried with you can complete the installation task.
4、 对卷帘门进行拆包检查,应无明显的少件、漏件的现象。
4. The rolling shutter door shall be unpacked for inspection, and there shall be no obvious phenomenon of missing or missing parts.
5、 与工程备料单进行对比,对帘片、导轨、卷帘轴、端盖板等主要部件的长度及制作方式进行检查,应无明显的影响卷帘窗安装、运行的错误或误差存在。
5. Compared with the engineering material preparation list, check the length and manufacturing mode of the main parts such as curtain, guide rail, roller shutter shaft, end cover plate, etc., and there should be no obvious errors or errors affecting the installation and operation of rolling shutter window.

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