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热门关键词: 水晶折叠门 水晶卷帘门 抗风卷帘门




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来源:http://www.jnzxmy.com 日期:2024-01-27 发布人:


  The treatment method for water ingress in the rolling shutter door chassis众所周知,高速卷帘门一般都安装在单位、企业、厂房等场所的大门口,需长时间曝露在室外,经受着风吹日晒雨淋的威胁,这样很容易出现机箱进水的情况。高速卷帘门机箱进水该如何处理?

  As is well known, high-speed rolling shutter doors are generally installed at the entrances of units, enterprises, factories, and other places, and need to be exposed to the outside for a long time, enduring the threat of wind, sun, rain, and rain, which can easily lead to water ingress into the chassis. How to deal with water ingress in the high-speed rolling shutter door chassis?


  The high-speed rolling shutter door chassis has problems such as water ingress, moisture, and circuit board short circuits, which mostly occur in the southern regions of China. This is because the southern regions have abundant rainfall all year round, and the air is very humid. There may even be 8 months of rainfall in a year. And the southern region is also a developed industrial area in China, where high-speed rolling shutter doors are everywhere, so many high-speed rolling shutter doors are prone to water ingress problems in the chassis.


  How to deal with the problem of water ingress into the high-speed rolling shutter door chassis? When this problem is discovered, the first reaction is to immediately cut off the power supply, then open the control box of the high-speed rolling shutter door, wipe away the accumulated water in the circuit board and motor, dry the water inside, find the leaking area, seal the leak with neutral glass glue, ensure everything is normal, and then turn on the power supply of the electric door to check whether the high-speed rolling shutter door is working properly, whether there is a short circuit in the motor and controller, and confirm that everything is normal, It means that the water ingress fault in the chassis has been eliminated!


  This article is supported by Jinan roller shutter doors. For more detailed and exciting content, please click on our website http://www.jnzxmy.com We will wholeheartedly provide you with satisfactory service.

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