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热门关键词: 水晶折叠门 水晶卷帘门 抗风卷帘门




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来源:http://www.jnzxmy.com 日期:2024-02-27 发布人:


The adjustment of electric rolling gate products is mainly carried out in three parts:


Mechanical part adjustment


(1) Limit adjustment: After the installation of the rolling gate is completed, the mechanical part of the door product should be adjusted. The two-step lowering of the rolling gate should be at a height of 1.8m from the ground.



(2) Quick release device test, using manual quick release device zipper to lower the fire shutter, the curtain can descend smoothly and at a uniform speed, stopping and descending to the bottom in one step.


(3) The lifting device test involves manually pulling up the fire shutter with a zipper. The entire process should be smooth, and after stopping, the fire shutter should be lowered to the bottom by its own weight.


The manual buttons installed on both sides of the electric roller shutter are used for adjusting the electric part to lift, stop, and lower the door product. The fireproof series roller shutter can be stopped by the stop button at will.


Automatic function adjustment


The automatic control methods of electric rolling gate products are divided into active and passive start: passive start: The door product can use a short circuit to respectively short circuit the middle limit and lower limit for remote control, observe whether the falling period is smooth, whether the hovering position is accurate, and use a multimeter to measure the electrical signals of the middle limit and lower limit to passively answer whether the terminals are conductive. Active start: The automatic debugging of the door requires a 24V power supply to start the rolling gate series products. Observe whether the falling is smooth and the hovering position is accurate. Use a multimeter to measure the passive response terminals of the electrical signals in the middle and lower limits and observe whether they are conductive.

阅读/ Recommended reading

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