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热门关键词: 水晶折叠门 水晶卷帘门 抗风卷帘门


首页>>新闻资讯>>公司新闻 如何清洗电动卷帘它有什么功能


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来源:http://www.jnzxmy.com 日期:2021-06-22 发布人:
Electric roller shutter is mainly used in large shopping malls, garages and other places with large openings. Among them, according to different materials, types and uses, the electric roller shutter can be subdivided into various materials, styles and uses. Next, I will introduce the function of electric roller shutter and the cleaning of electric roller shutter.
Electric roller shutter function electric roller shutter is installed in the indoor or double glass to avoid the adverse effects of the outside and improve the service life of the system. It blocks sunlight, reduces air conditioning load in summer and reduces visual comfort in winter. If radio remote control or building intelligent control is used.
Then various intelligent control methods can be implemented to meet the high quality requirements of users. Electric blinds electric blinds can be used in the form of "one to many", adding a balancer or universal joint in the mechanism, so that a single motor can drag a variety of fabrics at the same time. When the motor is running, several pieces of cloth are lifted together to achieve better shading effect.
The advantages in reducing the failure rate of the mechanism and reducing the engineering cost are also very prominent. In the modern intelligent building, the control system of the electric rolling curtain can also be connected with the control center of the building, which is convenient for the centralized control of the remote scale.

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