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热门关键词: 水晶折叠门 水晶卷帘门 抗风卷帘门




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来源:http://www.jnzxmy.com 日期:2022-02-17 发布人:
Voltage measurement method is one of the most commonly used maintenance methods, which is to judge the fault location and cause by measuring whether the voltage at the suspected point is normal. For example, when the motor does not rotate and the instrument panel is on, the fault opening position can be judged by measuring the power supply voltage and output voltage of the controller; for example, when the motor speed is abnormal, whether it is normal can be judged by measuring the control voltage output by the speed regulating handle.
Resistance measurement method
电阻测量法是更主要的检修方法之。该方法就是通过测怀疑的线路、 器件的阻值是否正常,来判断故障部位和故障原因。比如在检修电机运转不正常故障时,可通过测电机3个绕组的阻值,判断它是否匝间短路或断路,而检修无刷电机时,测它的3条传感信号输出线对地和5V供电之间的阻值时,可判断霍尔元件是否损坏:再比如在整车无电故障时,还可测量保险管、电源锁和供电线路是否断路,控制器是否短路等。
Resistance measurement is one of the most important maintenance methods. This method is to judge the fault location and cause by measuring whether the resistance value of suspected lines and devices is normal. For example, when repairing the abnormal operation of the motor, you can judge whether it is short circuit or open circuit between turns by measuring the resistance of three windings of the motor. When repairing the brushless motor, you can judge whether the hall element is damaged by measuring the resistance between its three sensing signal output lines to the ground and 5V power supply. For example, when there is no power failure of the whole vehicle, you can also measure the fuse Whether the power lock and power supply line are open circuit, whether the controller is short circuit, etc.
When detecting whether the circuit, power lock and other devices are open circuit, the "beep" gear of the multimeter can be used for measurement (the function of some digital multimeter is attached to the "diode" gear). If the multimeter emits a beep, it indicates that the circuit is normal; if there is no beep, it indicates that the circuit is disconnected; if it sometimes beeps and sometimes silent, it indicates that the circuit is in poor contact.
There are two kinds of resistance measurement methods: on-line detection and off-line detection. The on-line detection method is to directly detect the resistance value of the component on the line or circuit board, and the off-line detection is to detect the resistance value of the component separately.

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