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151 6888 2846

热门关键词: 水晶折叠门 水晶卷帘门 抗风卷帘门




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来源:http://www.jnzxmy.com 日期:2023-05-18 发布人:
Due to its simple structure and easy retraction, the roller shutter door is suitable for installation in private garages and shopping malls with limited space, as well as in large-span and super high industrial factories. Therefore, whether in work or life, we can see the figure of rolling shutter doors everywhere. If there are many products, it is easy to have mixed quality. So, what does a good Jinan roller shutter door look like?
Usage scenarios for low-frequency opening and closing
For those usage scenarios that open once in the morning and close once in the evening, such as street facing shops, there is no need to pay too much attention to electric, remote control, and speed. What needs to be paid attention to is anti-theft, insulation, and smooth switching.
1. High strength
One of the functions of rolling shutter doors is anti-theft. Since anti-theft is necessary, the strength of the shutter should be high to prevent it from being easily damaged by violence. The commonly seen S235 steel plate in the market has insufficient strength, requiring S550 hard steel plate, which has more than double the strength, and can easily cope with general damage.
2. Lockable
Especially in some civilian places such as shops, theft can cause certain economic losses. So, the gravity locking of the roller shutter door itself can ensure safety.
3. Thermal insulation
冬天的寒冷、盛夏的炎热都是对门保温性的考验,市面上的卷帘门多数采用单层钢板,即便是双层,厚度也多在10 mm 以内,内部简单穿插些岩棉条而已。好的卷帘门厚度在 20 mm 左右,内部填充均匀致密的聚氨酯发泡保温材料,保温系数可达3.8 W/m2.K。
The cold in winter and the hot in midsummer are both tests of door insulation. Most rolling shutter doors on the market use single-layer steel plates, even if they are double-layer, the thickness is mostly within 10 mm, and the interior is simply interspersed with some rock wool strips. A good roller shutter door has a thickness of about 20 mm and is filled with uniformly dense polyurethane foam insulation material, with a thermal insulation coefficient of up to 3.8 W/m2. K.
Usage scenarios for high-frequency opening and closing
For electric roller shutter doors that are relatively frequently used, the limit accuracy and safety protection of the electronic control system are two important aspects.
1. Accurate limit position
Electric roller shutter doors are driven by a motor to wind the shutter onto the door shaft. If the door is opened to a high position and the motor does not stop in time, the shutter will be forcefully thrown out of the door frame, leading to the risk of falling and injuring people. If the door is closed to the low position (ground), the motor does not immediately stop, but continues to drive the curtain down. The curtain will gradually press down, causing the door panel to deform, and over time, it will not be able to close normally.
The position of the Baiheng roller shutter door is precise, and it will not deviate after long-term use, ensuring that the roller shutter door opens and closes normally.
2. Safety protection
The safety of rolling shutter doors cannot be ignored, such as the problem of falling curtains, rolling and pressing people, and so on.
The Baiheng roller shutter door is equipped with a built-in safety protection device to prevent the curtain from falling; The opening/closing force protection function, when the motor detects an abnormality, stops the opening/closing action to prevent the occurrence of danger. If you have any further questions, please come to our website http://www.jnzxmy.com Consult!

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