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热门关键词: 水晶折叠门 水晶卷帘门 抗风卷帘门




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来源:http://www.jnzxmy.com 日期:2024-01-25 发布人:


  Common faults and maintenance methods of rolling shutter doors


  1、 Common faults of fireproof rolling shutter doors


  The door cannot be lifted or lowered normally: it may be caused by motor failure, damage to the transmission system, or power supply issues.



  Loose closing: Possible reasons include door deformation, foreign objects on the track, or improper installation.


  Automatic control failure: It may be due to sensor failure, controller damage, or poor wiring connection.


  Frequent false alarms: Possible causes include detector false alarms, line interference, or equipment malfunctions.


  2、 Maintenance methods for fireproof rolling shutter doors


  The door body cannot be lifted and lowered normally: First, check if the motor is working properly. If there is a problem, replace the motor; If the motor is normal, check if the transmission system is damaged. If there is any damage, repair or replace the transmission system; At the same time, check if the power supply is normal and ensure that the power connection is good.


  Loose closing: Adjust the position and angle of the door body, clean foreign objects on the track, and ensure that the door body and track are installed correctly and without deviation. If the problem is serious, it may be necessary to replace the door body or repair the track.


  Automatic control failure: Check if the sensor is working properly. If there is a malfunction, replace the sensor; Check if the controller is damaged. If there is any damage, replace the controller; At the same time, check if the circuit connection is good and ensure that there is no open or short circuit in the circuit.


  Frequent false alarms: Check if the detector is working properly, and if there are any problems, replace the detector; Check if there is interference in the circuit, and if there is interference, take corresponding anti-interference measures; At the same time, check if there are any faults in the equipment, and if there are any faults, repair them.


  In summary, common faults of fireproof rolling shutter doors include inability to lift and lower the door body properly, lax closing, automatic control failure, and frequent false alarms. Corresponding maintenance methods can be taken for these faults, including replacing components, adjusting installation, and inspecting wiring. In daily life, fire rolling shutter doors should be regularly inspected and maintained to ensure their normal operation and effectiveness.


  This article is provided by Jinan Rolling Shutter Door Factory with technical support. For more detailed and exciting content, please click on our website http://www.jnzxmy.com We will wholeheartedly provide you with satisfactory service.

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